If you're on the lookout for rare Pokémon, you should stay up to date on special Pokémon distributions. The Pokémon you get from them are usually quite different from any you can obtain in normal gameplay. Some may be Shiny Pokémon, while others may know moves that Pokémon of their species can't normally learn. They are also often found in a Cherish Ball, a special Poké Ball that can't be obtained by other means.
Check out the list of ongoing events in North America below to find out how you can add some of these rare Pokémon to your collection. These Pokémon may be available via the Nintendo Network, a code card from a participating retailer, a QR Code, or by visiting a specific real world event. The events that began most recently are listed first.
You can also check out past Pokémon distributions.
Current Distributions
Pokémon: Shiny Pikachu
Game: Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!
Distribution Method: At Target via Pokémon Pass app
Distribution Period: May 11 – June 23, 2019
Level: 10
Moves: Thunderbolt, Double Kick, Double Team, Thunder
Pokémon: Shiny Eevee
Game: Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
Distribution Method: At Target via Pokémon Pass app
Distribution Period: May 11 – June 23, 2019
Level: 10
Moves: Double-Edge, Iron Tail, Helping Hand, Facade
Recent Distributions
The code cards necessary to invite the Pokémon below to join your team aren't currently available in stores. But if you have one of these code cards, you can still redeem it until the code redemption end date listed below.