Most of the Trainers who encountered the Ultra Beast Poipole in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon found it as its usual violet color. Starting on September 17, you can get your hands on a Shiny Poipole, whose radiant white hue will surely stand out in your Pokémon collection.
From September 17 to October 7, when you visit your local participating GameStop store you can get a code that will let you receive a Shiny Poipole in your game. This special Poipole will already know the move Dragon Pulse, meaning it can evolve into Naganadel as soon as it levels up. Poipole knows several other crafty moves, too, including Venom Drench and Nasty Plot, making it ready for battle against your friends.
Code cards will be available at GameStop only between September 17 and October 7, so don't miss your chance to add the brilliant Shiny Poipole to your game!
Shiny Poipole
Lv. 40
Ability: Beast Boost
Venom Drench
Nasty Plot
Poison Jab
Dragon Pulse
Use these steps, along with your code, to get Shiny Poipole.
Open your Pokémon Ultra Sun or Pokémon Ultra Moon game.
Select Mystery Gift on the main menu.
Select Receive Gift.
Select Get with Code/Password, then Yes, then Yes again to connect to the internet.
Enter your code.
Watch as Shiny Poipole arrives in your game.
Speak to the delivery person in any Pokémon Center to receive your Shiny Poipole.
Be sure to save your game!