Rom wont play after patched [FIXED]
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12: Question 
What the title says, I'm puzzled I wanted to give hacking a try but I can't find a solution to this, I'm using SM64 Editor 2.1.4, I open the ROM on it and the moment it patches it the ROM will just refuse to play on the emulator, no level imported nothing I know this isn't much information to know what is happening but tbh I dont really know what to do...
(This post was last modified: 29-11-2017, 02:44 AM by kurinoku.)

First, can you verify that ROM that you are opening is "Super Mario 64 (U) [!].z64"?

Second, which emulator are you trying to use? If PJ64, you will have to manually increase the RAM to 8MB in the Settings. If something else is going on, can you please screenshot it and describe better what you are seeing.

Lastly, SM64 Editor will strip out the checksum verification which some emulators may warn you about, so just double check those warnings are closed and the emulator is resumed.

i think i've found the issue it has to do with extend level boundaries i think, i already fixed it thank you anyways Smile

Rom wont play after patched [FIXED]
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